NETGEAR DG834GTB5, NAT traversal (VPN pass-through) for IPSec, PPTP and L2TP VPNs, WEP, WPA-PSK, Intrusion logging and Reporting, 0 - 40 도, 0 - 90 퍼센트, 300 g
NETGEAR DG834GTB5. VPN 지원: NAT traversal (VPN pass-through) for IPSec, PPTP and L2TP VPNs. 지원 보안 알고리즘: WEP, WPA-PSK, 방화벽 보안: Intrusion logging and Reporting. 무게: 300 g. 크기(가로x세로x높이): 171.4 x 114.3 x 25.4 밀리미터, 최소 시스템 요구사항: - ADSL Internet service - 2.4 GHz wireless optional Super G adapter or Ethernet adapter and cable..., 최대 데이타 전송률: 54 기가비트/초